Our Identity
Scarsdale International School is accredited by COGNIA1 Global Operations, NCA2 and its subsidiaries SUCS CASI3 and NWAC4 in the USA and by the IBCC5 in Pakistan. Accreditation means that the school’s diploma is globally accepted and it is also a guarantee to the parents of the school’s commitment to continuously review and improve the program of study offered to students.
As we are an accredited school by COGNIA Global Operations and NCA, the curriculum has to be American. The curriculum we have chosen is that of New York State, as we feel that this curriculum is the most progressive and it enables us to apply cross- curriculum teaching and interactive learning through all the grades.
Our Vision
Scarsdale offers an international, academically rigorous, university-preparatory education, which prepares its students to become responsible, well rounded, self-directed learners who will become the global leaders of tomorrow.
Our Mission
We build and foster a learning environment to fulfill the potential of each student academically and socially to equip them for further study and responsible citizenry in the world.
Principal’s Message

We believe that children need the right combination of two factors. First, they need a challenging, rich, and relevant academic experience. Our job as educators is to establish a foundation for future learning, shape the character development of children and prepare them for entry in to the real world. We strive to do this work in an environment which reflects the second essential factor. Children need a warm, nurturing and supportive community – one that helps them grow, as students and as people. Our guiding philosophy is to help students reach and surpass internationally competitive standards. The programs we offer have worldwide acceptability.
We also believe that along with quality education, personality development is crucial. We endeavor to develop self-confidence, independent thinking and the power of expression through a host of cross curriculum activities. I invite you to browse through our website and to visit us. When you walk through our school you will experience our dedication and commitment.We look forward to your visit and hope the exploration will be an intriguing and enriching experience.
Romuald Delattre